Kuklos Adelphon

Kuklos Adelphon (also known as the old K.A., Kappa Alpha, or Kuklos Adelphon of the Southern States) was a college fraternity widespread throughout the Southern states of the United States in the pre-Civil war period. Its name means Circle of Brothers. Some sources state that the group was organized in 1812 by four members of the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Other sources attribute the founding to the 1840s at the University of Alabama. It expanded to over 20 colleges and townships throughout the South, but dissolved during the American Civil War.

Kuklos Adelphon has often been linked to the beginnings of The Kappa Alpha Society, the first male fraternity, as well as Ivy League Secret Societies. It has known members in both the US Senate and the Canadian Parliament, in addition to business and governmental executive officerships. It is said to still be in existence in the twenty-first century and is associated with organizations such as The Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral Commission, and The Council on Foreign Relations. Many Kuklos Adelphon members trace their ancestry to European Noble Families mainly in the United Kingdom, France, Spain, and Monaco. Κύκλος Αδερφός